-By Dan Raju, CEO of Tradier
When we launched the Options API, Tradier created a ripple in the industry. It was not only going to empower self-directed investing, but smart entrepreneurs who will use it to to deliver automated digital advice. More recently, a study sponsored by the OIC(Options Industry Council ) and conducted by noted research firm Cerulli Associates made comments on how financial advisors are approaching exchange-listed options and how they are increasingly using these to meet their clients’ financial goals. It certainly seems to sync directly with what we are seeing in the retail market in general. Based on the survey conducted more and more Advisors show elevated levels of confidence about options and adopting more diverse options strategies.
We’re thrilled to share that our partners at Harvested Financial have today caused a ripple of its own, with the launch of their new platform. Harvested is a user-friendly and seamless options-focused Robo-advisor. The team at Harvested Financial, drawing on years of finance, passion for data and software engineering experience, built a full-featured, options-focused robo-advisor. They are unlocking new asset classes and trading strategies and bringing choice to retail investors.
CEO Mark Phillips and CTO Rory Gwozdz built Harvested Financial because they believe derivatives should be part of everyone’s portfolio. Harvested Financial designs and executes options strategies for individual investors and investment advisors. Their platform guides investors through building personalized investment strategies. Harvested Financial manages the trading and strategy implementation on the back end, adjusting and rebalancing across market environments. An intuitive interface frames opportunity in terms of trade-offs and defined outcomes.
“Harvested Financial is excited to partner with Tradier to bring a first of its kind product to market,” Mark told us. “Your technology stack, execution quality, and client servicing make for a perfect fit.”
Learn more about Harvested Financial and see how you can unlock options trading for your portfolio.