The Peeptrade University Challenge 2018
When we at Tradier first heard about the Peeptrade challenge that fosters a student-led culture of responsible investments, competition and innovation with students of 45 plus universities we got really excited. It has since been an amazing journey to have students use the Tradier Paper Trading System We watched them collaborate, engage and create very interesting trading strategies while building value. Using our Paper Trading API’s and also our data, students and professors were able to work collaboratively and compete with other universities globally. The challenge stands as a proof that it is super easy for everybody to use the Tradier powered system and also have fun

Tradier wanted to congratulate the following schools for their outstanding performance as winners and finalists
University of Technology of Sydney
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Loras College
Hong Kong Baptist University
University of Oregon
USC Marshal
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Georgetown University