Debating Investment and Trading Approaches - Fundamentals versus Technicals
Market participants follow different trading and investing approaches, but price action results from compiling all the strategies. An asset’s price moves higher when buyers are more aggressive than sellers and lower when selling overwhelms buying. Many technical traders and investors argue that supply and demand fundamentals are useless. At the same time, the fundamentalists believe that their analysis and conclusions lead to price trends that cause technicians to change course.
“Human sacrifice, technicians and fundamentalists living together”
A quote from Ghostbusters- the 1984 blockbuster movie. I began a chapter on technicals and fundamentals in my 2013 book, published by McGraw Hill, with this quote and went on to cite a 2008 Forbes article. The author, James T. Holter, wrote:
“All right, so maybe Dr. Peter Venkman (a.k.a. Bill Murray) didn’t foretell exactly that in the 1984 movie Ghostbusters, but such a proclamation would have been just as ominous…Over the years, the relationship between technicians and fundamentalists, who examine supply and demand data to forecast futures prices, has been just as strained as that of felines and canines, with both often derisively attacking the others’ approach. Technicians call fundamentals “funny” mentals. Fundamentalists refer to technical analysis as “voodoo science.”
Holter goes on to describe that with respect to both forms of market analysis, the sum is much greater than the two parts individually. Fundamental and technical analysis in concert, create a more vivid and robust picture of the price structure of a market and are a far more effective investment and trading tool.
Fundamentals measure supply and demand
Technicals follow price cycles
Fundamentals can identify market tops or bottoms
Technicians rarely buy lows or sell highs
A combination can offer the most enlightened approach
Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for the next edition of the Tradier Rundown!